Whod have thought?

slide_269356_1873105_free An article in the Huffington post recently discussed the use of magnets in managing depression and several other conditions. The article describes the process and methods to treat the symptoms of Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Chronic Pain and Alzheimer’s Disease amongst others. The treatment is called Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dTMS) and involves placing a helmet with magnetic coils over the head while the patient is comfortably seated. Unlike medications (which are often habit forming and can have significant side effects) dTMS does not have any side effects other than, perhaps, a slight toothache. dTMS has been approved by both the FDA and European Union and works by sending magnetic impulses to the parts of the brain that regulates moods. Apparently, when the opposite side of the brain is stimulated opposite moods can occur. So by stimulating the side opposite to where a sad mood is produced, feelings of depression may be relieved. Whod have thought! Its amazing the variety of ways magnets are used. Everyone has heard of refrigerator magnets (our specialty), pin magnets, magnet racks to hold knives and so on, but the broad use of magnets in all aspects of our lives is truly fascinating. Applications range from the very simple (pinning a note to the fridge) to the incomprehensibly complex (moving a train at 100 mph). It seems almost daily that someone has solved a problem using magnets or found another creative way to use them. Have you, or anyone you know been medically treated with magnets?